Monday, March 19, 2012

Easy does it. A little more effort leads to babies

With depressed economics people need more interaction to survive, so they get more interested in each other... and some of them fall in love. The hardships and challenges produce plenty of romance, and then - babies start arriving. The images on this page (mostly) extol the virtues of romance, and also show some disasters that go along with it.

(original unknown)

Pristine, pre-romance condition:

How to treat your lady

Vintage postcards point the way:

(image via)

...unless your lady is a bit on a heavy side:

These ideas are not good, even for control freaks:

Privacy is key:

(original unknown)

Buy her cool shoes and handbags:

This is indispensable for any romance:

Lead social life:

Another tip from 1957:

(image via)

I don't want to see this atrocious ad ever again... here, have some nice photo instead - music swings the heart of ladies at 1967 Monterey Pop Festival:

...and here's more vintage bliss:

Interest, or lack of it

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