Monday, March 19, 2012

When asking for directions, be prepared to fall off the edge of the Universe

These are confusing, weird, bizarre signs and instructions, that are likely to deliver you to Vogons, who will gladly recite to you a poem, or two... Well, regardless, this is all the more material for our on-going, wildly popular series of Weird Signage. This is the 14th installment in the series; make sure to check the previous ones!

Even police puzzled by some of these road signs:

Entry... Exit... and a little disclaimer in the middle: "Sorry for any inconvenience":

Surprise! -

You Shall Not Pass! -

Sacred cows? -

Too many options: 

This sign appropriately says "Funeral Home" (left):

Above right: all directions lead "Downtown"! (but, of course). Here, also, you'd think twice before entering -

Sometimes road signs are, indeed, helpful, considering the total weirdness around them:

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