Monday, March 19, 2012

I'll get you in the end!

This "Marital Chart" from 1939 brings a little science in the mix:

(image via)

George W. Crane, MD, was a marriage counselor and wrote a syndicated national newspaper column called "The Worry Clinic." See the whole booklet scanned on Flickr - "Test for Husbands and Wives"

...but sometimes we guys can be pretty much out of it:

...girls too can be difficult:

(image via)

At times you will feel sublime and exalted:

(original unknown)

or totally miserable:

(image credit: Lucio José Martínez González)

Don't be rude:

Familiar concept:

Lithuanian Folk Art shows the proper occupation for husbands and wives:

Worst case scenario - he or she turns into a frog:

(original unknown)

The REAL intricacies of romance are detailed in this awesome French video: "Can We Kiss?"

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